Configuration for creating an IAM role in an AWS account and optionally an EC2 Instance Profile. The template also includes options for customizing the access granted to the role using inline and managed IAM policies.

The following settings are available in this template: 

  • Role Name and Description
  • EC2 Instance Profile to create an instance profile along with the IAM role
  • Trust Policy: settings to update the role's trust policy to specify the entities that can assume the role 
  • IAM Policies
    • Managed policies: specify already existing managed IAM policies in the AWS account
    • Inline policies: define new inline policies attached to the IAM role
  • Additional settings such as Role Path, Session Duration
  • Permission Boundary to specify the IAM policy ARN that will be used as the permission boundary for the role
0.3 KB
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: ''
    Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'
      Path: /
      MaxSessionDuration: 3600
        Version: '2012-10-17'
        Statement: []
Parameters: {}
Metadata: {}
Conditions: {}


Customize Template

Role Settings

Trust Policy

IAM Policies

Additional Settings

* Required field