A config rule that checks that the rule groups associate with the web ACL at the correct priority. The correct priority is decided by the rank of the rule groups in the ruleGroups parameter. When AWS Firewall Manager creates this rule, it assigns the highest priority 0 followed by 1, 2, and so on. The FMS policy owner specifies the ruleGroups rank in the FMS policy and can optionally enable remediation.
This config rule supports the following parameters:
Required: Yes
Type: String
Description:Comma-separated list of RuleGroupIds and WafOverrideAction pairs. (for example, ruleGroupId-1:NONE, ruleGroupId2:COUNT)
Required: No
Type: String
Description:A token generated by AWS Firewall Manager when creating the rule in customer account. AWS Config ignores this parameter when customer creates this rule.
Required: No
Type: boolean
Description:If true, AWS Firewall Manager will update non-compliant resources according to FMS policy. AWS Config ignores this parameter when customer creates this rule.