CloudFormation guard rules template for Amazon EKS resources

The following rules are included: 

  • Control Plane Public Access Disabled
  • Control Plane Public Access is Restricted
  • Kubernetes Secrets are Encrypted with KMS
  • Control Plane Logging Enabled

let eks_clusters = Resources.*[
	Type == "AWS::EKS::Cluster"

rule eks_private_only when %eks_clusters !empty {
	%eks_clusters {
		Properties {
			ResourcesVpcConfig exists <<ResourcesVpcConfig is not configured. (Public access is enabled by default.)>>
			when ResourcesVpcConfig exists {
				ResourcesVpcConfig {
					EndpointPublicAccess exists <<EndpointPublicAccess is not configured. (enabled by default.)>>
					when EndpointPublicAccess exists {
						EndpointPublicAccess == false <<Public access is enabled.>>

rule eks_control_plane_public_access_restricted when %eks_clusters !empty {
	%eks_clusters {
		Properties {
			ResourcesVpcConfig exists <<ResourcesVpcConfig is not configured. (Public access is enabled by default.)>>
			when ResourcesVpcConfig exists {
				ResourcesVpcConfig {
					EndpointPublicAccess exists <<EndpointPublicAccess is not configured. (enabled by default.)>>
					when EndpointPublicAccess exists {
						EndpointPublicAccess == false <<Public access is enabled.>> OR
						EndpointPublicAccess == true
						when EndpointPublicAccess == true {
							PublicAccessCidrs.* {
								this != "" <<Unrestricted public access is enabled.>>

rule eks_secrets_encrypted when %eks_clusters !empty {
	%eks_clusters {
		Properties {
			EncryptionConfig exists <<EncryptionConfig is not configured.(Secrets encryption is disabled.)>>

rule eks_control_plane_logging when %eks_clusters !empty {
	%eks_clusters {
		Properties {
			Logging exists <<Logging is not configured.>>
			when Logging exists {
				Logging {
					ClusterLogging {
						some EnabledTypes[*].Type == "api" <<Logging is not configured for the API server.>>
						some EnabledTypes[*].Type == "audit" <<Audit logging is not enabled.>>
						some EnabledTypes[*].Type == "authenticator" <<Authenticator logging is not enabled.>>
						some EnabledTypes[*].Type == "controllerManager" <<Controller Manager logging is not enabled.>>
						some EnabledTypes[*].Type == "scheduler" <<Scheduler logging is not enabled.>>


Customize Template

* Required field