This template creates a test event flow for CloudFormation using Salesforce as the source and Amazon S3 as the destination. The flow is named 'MyEventFlow' and has a description of 'Test event flow for CloudFormation from salesforce to s3'. The flow is triggered by an event. The source flow configuration uses the Salesforce connector with a connector profile named 'TestConnectorProfile'. The source connector properties specify that the object to be used is 'Account', dynamic field updates are disabled, and deleted records are included. The destination flow configuration uses the S3 connector with a bucket name of 'TestOutputBucket'. The S3 output format is set to JSON with no aggregation. The flow includes three tasks: a filter task that projects the 'Id' and 'Name' fields, and two map tasks that map the 'Id' and 'Name' fields to the destination fields with the same names. The Salesforce connector operator for all tasks is set to 'NO_OP'. The flow also includes a tag with a key of 'testKey' and a value of 'testValue'.

CloudFormation Template