This template creates a scaling policy using the `StepScaling` policy type and the `ChangeInCapacity` adjustment type. When an associated alarm is triggered, the policy increases the capacity of the scalable target based on step adjustments. The step adjustments are as follows: increase capacity by 1 when the value of the metric is greater than or equal to 70 percent but less than 85 percent, increase capacity by 2 when the value of the metric is greater than or equal to 85 percent but less than 95 percent, and increase capacity by 3 when the value of the metric is greater than or equal to 95 percent. The scaling policy has a 600 second cooldown period after every scaling activity.

CloudFormation Template

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: Cfn Template by CloudAdvisor
Parameters: {}
Resources: {}
Outputs: {}
Conditions: {}
Mappings: {}
Metadata: {}