Checks if a recovery point was created for Amazon DynamoDB Tables within the specified period. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the DynamoDB Table does not have a corresponding recovery point created within the specified time period.

This config rule supports the following parameters:

  • resourceTags
    • Required: No
    • Type: String
    • Description:Tags of the DynamoDB Tables for the rule to check, in JSON format {"tagkey" : "tagValue"}.
  • resourceId
    • Required: No
    • Type: String
    • Description:Name of DynamoDB Table for the rule to check.
  • recoveryPointAgeValue
    • Required: No
    • Type: int
    • Description:Numerical value for maximum allowed age. No more than 744 for hours, 31 for days.
    • Default Value: 1
  • recoveryPointAgeUnit
    • Required: No
    • Type: String
    • Description:Unit of time for maximum allowed age. Accepted values: 'hours', 'days'.
    • Default Value: days

CloudFormation Template