Defines a Batch Job for a container with specific resource requirements, volumes, environment variables, mount points, and ulimits.

Terraform Template

resource "aws_batch_job_definition" "test" {
  container_properties = jsonencode({
 command = ["ls", "-la"],
 image = "busybox"

 resourceRequirements = [
 type = "VCPU"
 value = "0.25"
 type = "MEMORY"
 value = "512"

 volumes = [
 host = {
 sourcePath = "/tmp"
 name = "tmp"

 environment = [
 name = "VARNAME"
 value = "VARVAL"

 mountPoints = [
 sourceVolume = "tmp"
 containerPath = "/tmp"
 readOnly = false

 ulimits = [
 hardLimit = 1024
 name = "nofile"
 softLimit = 1024
  name = "tf_test_batch_job_definition"
  type = "container"