A collection of configuration templates for AWS AppConfig as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS AppConfig configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

AWS AppConfig Feature Flag Definition

This template creates an AWS AppConfig configuration profile of type `HostedConfigurationVersion`. The feature flag created by this example enables cryptocurrency at checkout. AWS AppConfig stores the configuration data for this profile in the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store.

AWS AppConfig Hosted Configuration Example

This template creates an AWS AppConfig configuration profile named `MyTestProfile` for an application called `MyApplication`. AWS AppConfig stores the configuration data for this profile in the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store.

AWS AppConfig Extension Association Example

This template creates an extension association between an application called MyDependentApplication and an extension called MyAmazingExtension. It specifies the extension identifier, extension version number, resource identifier, parameters, and tags.

AWS AppConfig Extension Example

This template creates an AWS AppConfig extension. An extension augments your ability to inject logic or behavior at different points during the AWS AppConfig workflow of creating or deploying a configuration. This example creates an extension with the name 'My Test Extension' and description 'My test extension'. It specifies an action to be performed using AWS Lambda before a configuration version is created by AWS AppConfig. The extension also includes a parameter and a tag.

Example AWS AppConfig Environment

This template creates an environment in AWS AppConfig. An environment is a logical deployment group of AWS AppConfig targets, such as applications in a Beta or Production environment. You can also define environments for application subcomponents such as the Web, Mobile, and Back-end components for your application. The environment is named MyTestEnvironment and has a description of My test environment.

AWS AppConfig Deployment Strategy Example

This template creates an AWS AppConfig deployment strategy called MyTestDeploymentStrategy. The deployment strategy defines important criteria for rolling out your configuration to the designated targets. It includes the overall duration required, a percentage of targets to receive the deployment during each interval, an algorithm that defines how the percentage grows, and the bake time. The deployment strategy has properties such as name, description, deployment duration in minutes, final bake time in minutes, growth factor, growth type, replicate to, and tags.

AWS AppConfig Configuration Profile for AWS CodePipeline

This template creates an AWS AppConfig configuration profile named MyTestConfigurationProfile. A configuration profile includes source information for accessing your configuration data. A configuration profile can also include optional validators to ensure your configuration data is syntactically and semantically correct. The following configuration profile example uses the specified `LocationUri` to retrieve configuration data from AWS CodePipeline.

Basic AppConfig Application

This template creates an AWS AppConfig application. An application in AWS AppConfig is a logical unit of code that provides capabilities for your customers. For example, an application can be a microservice that runs on Amazon EC2 instances, a mobile application installed by your users, a serverless application using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda, or any system you run on behalf of others.

Retrieve AppConfig Configuration Profiles

This template retrieves all configuration profiles for a specified AppConfig application and iterates over them to access individual configuration profile details.

AWS AppConfig Configuration Profile Creation

Creates an AWS AppConfig configuration profile with a lambda validator.

AWS AppConfig Deployment Example

This template deploys an AWS AppConfig configuration including application ID, configuration profile, version, deployment strategy, and environment settings.

AWS AppConfig Deployment Strategy Example

Creates an AppConfig deployment strategy with specified parameters such as deployment duration, bake time, growth factor, and growth type.

AWS AppConfig Environment and Application Setup

Creates an AppConfig environment and an AppConfig application with monitoring through CloudWatch.
