A collection of configuration templates for AWS App Mesh as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS App Mesh configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

App Mesh
Example AppMesh Virtual Router

This template creates a basic virtual router with an HTTP port mapping and two tags. The virtual router is named 'TestVirtualRouter' and is associated with a mesh 'my-test-mesh'. It has a listener on port 8080 with the HTTP protocol. The virtual router also has two tags with key-value pairs. The template also includes outputs for the virtual router name, mesh name, ARN, and UID.

AppMesh Virtual Node

This template creates a virtual node within a service mesh. It includes two backends, a listener with a health check policy, access logs to a file path, and uses DNS service discovery. The virtual node is tagged with Key1=Value1 and Key2=Value2.

Basic AppMesh Service Mesh

This template creates a service mesh with the name 'BasicMesh1' and allows all egress traffic. It also includes tags with key-value pairs. The outputs include the name, ARN, and UID of the created mesh.

HTTP Routing for Service B

Defines an HTTP route for Service B in AWS App Mesh, distributing traffic between two virtual nodes based on weights.

HTTP Header Routing for Service B

Configures HTTP header-based routing for Service B in AWS App Mesh, targeting requests with specific header values.

Retry Policy for HTTP Routing

Implements a retry policy for HTTP routing in AWS App Mesh, handling retries and timeouts for Service B.

TCP Routing for Service B

Sets up TCP routing for Service B in AWS App Mesh, directing all TCP traffic to a specific virtual node.

Basic AWS App Mesh Virtual Node

Defines a basic AWS App Mesh virtual node with DNS-based service discovery.

AWS App Mesh Virtual Node with AWS Cloud Map Service Discovery

Configures an AWS App Mesh virtual node using AWS Cloud Map for service discovery.

AWS App Mesh Virtual Node with Listener Health Check

Sets up an AWS App Mesh virtual node with a listener health check configuration.

AWS App Mesh Virtual Node with Logging

Implements an AWS App Mesh virtual node with access logging to standard output.

AWS App Mesh Virtual Node with Cloud Map Service Discovery

Configures an AWS App Mesh virtual node with AWS Cloud Map service discovery.

AWS App Mesh Virtual Gateway with Access Logs and TLS

Sets up an AWS App Mesh virtual gateway with HTTP protocol, access logging, and TLS configuration.
