A collection of configuration templates for AWS App Runner as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS App Runner configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

App Runner
AppRunner VPC Ingress Connection

This template creates a VPC Ingress Connection for AWS App Runner. It specifies the VPC endpoint and VPC ID for the ingress connection, as well as the service ARN and connection name.

AppRunner VPC connector

This template creates a VPC connector with two subnets and two security groups. The VPC connector is used to associate an App Runner service to a custom Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

AppRunner Service using Image on ECR

This template creates an AWS App Runner service based on an image stored in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). It specifies the service name, source configuration with authentication, auto deployments enabled, image repository details including image identifier, image repository type, and image configuration values such as port and runtime environment variables. It also includes instance configuration with CPU and memory specifications.

AppRunner Service using GitHub Code Repo

This template creates an AWS App Runner service based on a Python source code repository. It specifies the service name, source configuration with authentication, auto deployments enabled, code repository details including repository URL, source code version, and code configuration values such as runtime, build command, start command, port, and runtime environment variables. It also includes instance configuration with CPU and memory specifications.

AppRunner Observability Configuration for X-Ray Tracing

This template creates an observability configuration for AWS App Runner that enables tracing using AWS X-Ray. The `ObservabilityConfigurationName` property is set to `xray-tracing` and the `TraceConfiguration` property is set to use the `AWSXRAY` vendor.

App Runner Auto Scaling configuration

This template creates an automatic scaling configuration for an App Runner service. It sets the maximum concurrency, maximum size, and minimum size for the auto scaling configuration.

App Runner Service with Code Repository Source

Defines an AWS App Runner service that uses a Python application from a GitHub repository with specific build and start commands.

App Runner Service with Image Repository Source

Configures an AWS App Runner service to deploy an application using a public image from the Amazon ECR.
