A collection of configuration templates for Amazon Athena as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting Amazon Athena configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Athena Existing WorkGroup Update

This template updates an existing Amazon Athena workgroup with the specified name, description, state, and configuration updates. The workgroup enables you to isolate queries for you or your group from other queries in the same account.

Athena WorkGroup Example

This template creates an Amazon Athena workgroup with the specified name, description, state, and configuration. The workgroup enables you to isolate queries for you or your group from other queries in the same account.

Athena Named Query

This template creates an Amazon Athena saved query. The query selects all aggregated data from the 'swfmetadata' database. The query is named 'MostExpensiveWorkflow' and it calculates the average workflow time for each workflow name. The results are ordered in descending order by the average workflow time and limited to the top 10 results.

Athena Data Catalog

This template creates an Amazon Athena data catalog with a custom Hive catalog. The data catalog has a specified name, type, description, tags, and parameters.

Hive Metadata Athena Data Catalog

Sets up an Athena data catalog with Hive metadata management.

AWS Athena Prepared Statement with Dependencies

This template creates an AWS S3 bucket, an Athena workgroup, an Athena database, and a prepared statement for querying the database.

AWS Athena Workgroup Configuration

Creates an AWS Athena Workgroup with enforced configuration, CloudWatch metrics, and result encryption using KMS.
