A collection of configuration templates for AWS Batch as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS Batch configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

AWS Batch Job Queue with Two Compute Environments

This template creates a job queue called `HighPriority` with two compute environments mapped to it. The compute environments are `C4OnDemand` and `M4Spot`. The job queue is enabled and has a priority of 1.

AWS Batch Job Definition

This template creates an AWS Batch job definition with the specified parameters. The example provided creates a job definition named 'nvidia-smi' of type 'container'. It includes container properties such as mount points, volumes, command, privileged access, job role ARN, readonly root filesystem, resource requirements, and the image to be used.

AWS Batch Managed Compute Environment

This template creates a managed compute environment called `C4OnDemand` that uses C4 On-Demand instances and a custom AMI. It specifies the maximum and minimum number of vCPUs, security group IDs, subnets, instance types, EC2 key pair, and desired number of vCPUs. The compute environment is enabled.

EC2 Type AWS Batch Compute Environment Setup

Creates an AWS Batch compute environment using EC2 instances with necessary roles and security settings.

Fargate Type AWS Batch Compute Environment Setup

Configures an AWS Batch compute environment using Fargate for serverless compute capabilities.

AWS Batch Compute Environment Update Policy Configuration

Sets the update policy for an AWS Batch compute environment to manage job execution and updates.

Container Type Job Definition

Defines a Batch Job for a container with specific resource requirements, volumes, environment variables, mount points, and ulimits.

Multinode Type Job Definition

Configures a Batch Job Definition for multiple nodes, specifying container properties for each node.

EKS Properties Job Definition

Defines a Batch Job using EKS properties, including pod properties and metadata.

Fargate Platform Capability Job Definition

Sets up a Batch Job Definition with Fargate platform capabilities, including IAM roles and policies for task execution.

Basic AWS Batch Job Queue

Creates a basic AWS Batch job queue with two compute environments ordered by priority.

AWS Batch Job Queue with Fair Share Scheduling Policy

Configures an AWS Batch job queue with a fair share scheduling policy, including share distribution settings.

AWS Batch Scheduling Policy Example

Creates an AWS Batch Scheduling Policy with fair share policy settings and tags.
