A collection of configuration templates for AWS Clean Rooms as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS Clean Rooms configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Clean Rooms
Clean Rooms Membership Definition Example

This template creates a membership for a collaboration creator. The membership is associated with a specific collaboration identifier and enables query log status.

Clean Rooms Configured Table Association

This template creates a configured table association which associates a configured table to a collaboration. It includes properties such as the name, description, configured table identifier, membership identifier, and role ARN.

Clean Rooms Collaboration Configuration

This template creates a new collaboration in AWS Clean Rooms. It includes properties such as the collaboration name, description, creator's display name, creator member abilities, and a list of members with their account IDs and display names. The template also specifies the query log status.

Clean Rooms Configured Table with List Analysis Rule

This template creates a configured table resource with a list analysis rule applied. The configured table is named 'List Table' and has a description of 'Example configured table with list AR'. It allows columns 'column1', 'column2', and 'column4'. The analysis method used is 'DIRECT_QUERY' and the analysis rule is of type 'LIST'. The policy for the analysis rule specifies that the 'JoinColumns' should be 'column1' and the 'ListColumns' should be 'column2'. The table reference is to a Glue database named 'ExampleDB' and a table named 'ExampleTable'.

AWS Clean Rooms Collaboration with Tags

Creates an AWS Clean Rooms collaboration with specified abilities, encryption settings, and tags.
