A collection of configuration templates for Amazon EKS resources as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting Amazon EKS configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

EKS Nodegroup

This template creates an Amazon EKS managed node group for a specified cluster. The node group is named 'standard' and is created in the 'prod' cluster. The node group is associated with the IAM role 'eksInstanceRole'. It has a scaling configuration with a minimum size of 3, desired size of 5, and maximum size of 7. The node group has labels 'Key1: Value1' and 'Key2: Value2'. It is deployed in the subnets 'subnet-6782e71e' and 'subnet-e7e761ac'.

EKS Identity Provider Config

This template creates an identity provider configuration and associates it with a cluster. The template includes the necessary properties such as the cluster name, type of identity provider (OIDC), and the OIDC specific properties like client ID and issuer URL.

EKS Fargate Profile

This template creates an AWS Fargate profile for an Amazon EKS cluster. The Fargate profile is created with a specified name, associated with a cluster, and configured with a pod execution role, subnets, and selectors. The Fargate profile allows pods to be deployed to a specific namespace with a label key-value pair assigned to them.

Amazon EKS Cluster

This template creates an Amazon EKS cluster with the specified properties. The cluster is named 'Prod' and has a version of '1.20'. It uses the specified IAM role for the control plane and is configured with the provided VPC resources. The cluster has logging enabled for API and audit events. It also includes a tag with key 'key' and value 'val'.

EKS (Elastic Kubernetes)
EKS Cluster Authentication Configuration

Configures a Kubernetes provider to authenticate with an Amazon EKS cluster using AWS IAM credentials.

Basic EKS Cluster Configuration

This template sets up a basic EKS cluster with specified subnet IDs and IAM role dependencies.

EKS Cluster with Access Configuration

Defines an EKS cluster with advanced access configurations, including authentication mode and bootstrap permissions.

Basic EKS Node Group Configuration

Creates a basic EKS Node Group with scaling and update configurations.

EKS Add-on Version Retrieval and Deployment

Retrieves information about specific EKS add-on versions compatible with an EKS cluster version and deploys an add-on.

Retrieve AWS EKS Cluster Information

This template retrieves information about an AWS EKS Cluster including the endpoint, certificate authority data, and OIDC issuer.

EKS Cluster Access Policy Association

Associates an IAM policy with an EKS cluster to grant access to a specific namespace.

EKS Cluster with Control Plane Logging

Configures an EKS cluster to enable control plane logging and sets up the associated CloudWatch log group.

EKS Cluster on AWS Outpost

Configures an EKS cluster specifically for deployment on an AWS Outpost, including private endpoint access and outpost-specific settings.

EKS Fargate Profile Creation

Creates an EKS Fargate profile linked to a specific cluster, with a defined execution role and subnet IDs.

EKS Node Group with Ignored Desired Size Changes

Configures an EKS Node Group to ignore changes in the desired size after initial setup.

EKS Node Group Tracking Latest AMI Releases

Sets up an EKS Node Group to automatically use the latest Amazon EKS optimized AMI based on the EKS cluster version.
