A collection of configuration templates for Amazon ElastiCache resources as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting Amazon ElastiCache configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Amazon ElastiCache Cluster in a Default VPC with Security Group

This template creates an Amazon ElastiCache cluster in a default VPC with a security group. The cluster uses the memcached engine and has one cache node of type cache.t2.micro.

Amazon ElastiCache Memcached Cluster with Nodes in Multiple Availability Zones

This template creates an ElastiCache Memcached cluster with three nodes across AZs.

Amazon ElastiCache Parameter Group

This template creates an ElastiCache parameter group. The parameter group is used to configure the behavior of an ElastiCache cluster.

Amazon ElastiCache Replication Group with Two Nodes

This template creates an Amazon ElastiCache replication group with two nodes. The replication group uses Redis as the engine and is configured with automatic failover enabled. It also specifies a preferred maintenance window and snapshot retention limit.

Amazon ElastiCache Replication Group with Two Node Groups

This template creates an ElastiCache replication group with two node groups. Each node group has three replicas and the replication group is configured for automatic failover. The replication group uses Redis as the caching engine and has a cache node type of cache.r3.large. It also specifies a preferred maintenance window and snapshot retention limit.

Amazon ElastiCache Subnet Group

This CloudFormation template creates an ElastiCache subnet group in a VPC with two subnets. The subnet group is used to specify the subnets where ElastiCache clusters can be created.

Config Rule
ElastiCache Redis Cluster Automatic Backup Enabled Check

A Config rule that checks if the Amazon ElastiCache Redis clusters have automatic backup turned on. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the SnapshotRetentionLimit for Redis cluster is less than the SnapshotRetentionPeriod parameter.

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
Check if ElastiCache for Redis clusters have auto minor version upgrades enabled

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache for Redis clusters have auto minor version upgrades enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT for an ElastiCache cluster if it is using the Redis engine and 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade' is not set to 'true'.

Check if ElastiCache replication groups have RBAC authentication enabled

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache replication groups have RBAC authentication enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the Redis version is 6 or above and ‘UserGroupIds’ is missing, empty, or does not match an entry provided by the 'allowedUserGroupIDs' parameter.

Check if ElastiCache Redis replication groups have automatic failover enabled

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache Redis replication groups have automatic failover enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT for an ElastiCache replication group if ‘AutomaticFailover’ is not set to ‘enabled’.

Check if ElastiCache replication groups are encrypted at rest

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache replication groups have encryption-at-rest enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT for an ElastiCache replication group if 'AtRestEncryptionEnabled' is disabled or if the KMS key ARN does not match the approvedKMSKeyArns parameter.

Check if ElastiCache replication groups have encryption-in-transit enabled

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache replication groups have encryption-in-transit enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT for an ElastiCache replication group if ‘TransitEncryptionEnabled’ is set to ‘false’.

Check if ElastiCache replication groups have Redis AUTH enabled

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache replication groups have Redis AUTH enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT for an ElastiCache replication group if the Redis version of its nodes is below 6 (Version 6+ use Redis ACLs) and ‘AuthToken’ is missing or is empty/null.

Check ElastiCache clusters subnet group configuration

Checks if Amazon ElastiCache clusters are configured with a custom subnet group. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT for an ElastiCache cluster if it is using a default subnet group.

Check ElastiCache clusters for recommended engine version

Checks if ElastiCache clusters are running a version greater or equal to the recommended engine version. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the 'EngineVersion' for an ElastiCache cluster is less than the specified recommended version for its given engine.
