A collection of configuration templates for Amazon FSx resources as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting Amazon FSx configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Amazon FSx for Lustre File System

This template creates an Amazon FSx for Lustre file system with a storage capacity of 1.2 TiB and a throughput of 200 MB/s/TiB. It is configured to automatically import data from an S3 bucket and export data to another S3 bucket. The file system is associated with a specified subnet and security group.

Create an Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository association

This template creates a data repository association (DRA) that links an Amazon FSx for Lustre file system to an Amazon S3 bucket. It includes properties such as the file system ID, file system path, data repository path, imported file chunk size, S3 auto import policy, S3 auto export policy, and tags.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server File System in a Self-Managed Active Directory

This template creates a Multi-AZ Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system joined to a self-managed active directory. The file system has a storage capacity of 32 GB and uses SSD storage. It is associated with specified subnets and security groups. The file system is configured with a preferred subnet, throughput capacity, aliases, and maintenance and backup settings. The self-managed active directory configuration includes DNS IPs, domain name, file system administrators group, organizational unit distinguished name, username, and password.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server File System with Amazon Managed Active Directory

This template creates a Multi-AZ Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system using HDD storage that is joined to an AWS Managed Active Directory. The file system has a storage capacity of 2000 GB. It is associated with specified subnets and security groups. The file system is configured with a preferred subnet, throughput capacity, aliases, and maintenance and backup settings. The AWS Managed Active Directory configuration includes the directory ID.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server File System with Audit Logging

This template creates a Multi-AZ Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system with file access auditing enabled. The file system has a storage capacity of 100 GB. It is associated with specified subnets and security groups. The file system is configured with a preferred subnet, throughput capacity, and maintenance and backup settings. File access audit event logging is enabled, and the logs are sent to a specified destination.

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP File System

This template creates an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVN) that's joined to a self-managed Active Directory domain. It configures the Active Directory settings, specifies the file system ID, sets the name and security style of the virtual machine, and assigns tags.

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP Storage Virtual Machine

This template creates an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVN) that's joined to a self-managed Active Directory domain. It configures the Active Directory settings, specifies the file system ID, sets the name and security style of the virtual machine, and assigns tags.

Amazon FSx ONTAP Volume

This template creates an ONTAP volume with the specified configurations. The volume is named 'volume1' and has a junction path of '/volume1'. The security style is set to 'MIXED' and the size is 40 megabytes. Storage efficiency is enabled and the volume is associated with a storage virtual machine. The tiering policy is set to 'AUTO' with a cooling period of 41. The volume is tagged with the key 'Name' and value 'OntapVolume'.

FSx ONTAP Volume from a Backup

This template creates an ONTAP volume from an existing backup with the specified configurations. The volume is named 'volume11' and has a junction path of '/volume11'. The security style is set to 'UNIX' and the size is 41 megabytes. Storage efficiency is enabled and the volume is associated with a storage virtual machine. The tiering policy is set to 'AUTO' with a cooling period of 42. The backup ID used is 'backup-0123abc456defghij'.

AWS FSx File Cache Creation

Creates an AWS FSx File Cache with NFS and Lustre configurations, including data repository associations and metadata configurations.

FSx ONTAP Storage Virtual Machine with Self-Managed Microsoft Active Directory

Configures an FSx ONTAP storage virtual machine with a self-managed Microsoft Active Directory, including DNS settings and domain details.

FSx ONTAP Volume with Tiering Policy

Creates an FSx ONTAP volume with a tiering policy specifying the name and cooling period.

FSx OpenZFS Root Volume Snapshot

Creates a snapshot of an FSx OpenZFS root volume and defines the file system.

FSx OpenZFS Child Volume Snapshot

Creates a snapshot of an FSx OpenZFS child volume, defines the child volume, and the associated file system.

FSx Windows File System with Self-Managed Microsoft Active Directory

Sets up an FSx Windows File System with a self-managed Microsoft Active Directory, including DNS settings, domain name, and admin credentials.
