A collection of configuration templates for Amazon GameLift resources as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting Amazon GameLift configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Amazon GameLift Fleet with a Build

This template creates a GameLift fleet with a specified build. The fleet is configured with desired EC2 instances, inbound permissions, instance type, fleet type, metric groups, and runtime configuration. The fleet is deployed in multiple locations with capacity settings.

Amazon GameLift Fleet with a Script

Creates a GameLift fleet with a custom script, allowing for game sessions to be activated and managed across multiple locations.

Amazon GameLift Game Session Queue

This CloudFormation template creates a Game Session Queue with priority and filter configuration. It allows you to specify the order of locations and priorities for game session placement, as well as filter the allowed locations for game session placement.

Amazon GameLift Matchmaking Configuration with Managed Hosting

This template creates a matchmaking configuration for a game that is being hosted on GameLift servers. It includes a game session queue, game properties, player acceptance with a timeout, and auto-backfill. The template uses a `Ref` intrinsic function to specify the game session queue and rule set.

Amazon GameLift Matchmaking Configuration for Standalone FlexMatch System

This template creates a matchmaking configuration for a game that is hosted on resources other than GameLift game servers.

Amazon GameLift Matchmaking Rule Set

This template creates a matchmaking rule set for GameLift FlexMatch. The rule set is named 'MyRuleSet' and defines a match with one team containing 1 to 20 players.

Amazon GameLift Script

This CloudFormation template creates an IAM role and deploys an Amazon GameLift script. The script is stored in an S3 bucket and can be used for real-time game server operations.

Amazon GameLift Fleet Alias

This template creates a simple alias for a fleet. The alias has a name, description, and a routing strategy that specifies a fleet to route traffic to. The fleet is referenced using the `!Ref` function.

Amazon GameLift Terminal Alias

This template creates a terminal alias with a generic terminal message. The alias has a name, description, and a routing strategy of type 'TERMINAL' with a custom message.

Amazon GameLift Build

This CloudFormation template creates a GameLift build and an IAM role with S3 access permissions. The build is stored in an S3 bucket and can be used for deploying game servers.

Basic GameLift Game Server Group

Creates a basic GameLift game server group with two instance types and a launch template.

Advanced GameLift Game Server Group with Auto Scaling

Configures an advanced GameLift game server group with auto scaling, multiple instance types, and specific subnet deployments.
