A collection of configuration templates for AWS LakeFormation resources as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS LakeFormation configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

AWS Lake Formation DataCellsFilter with Row Wildcard and Specified Columns

This template creates a DataCellsFilter resource with a row wildcard and specified columns.

AWS Lake Formation DataCellsFilter with Row Filter Expression and Column Wildcard

This template creates a DataCellsFilter resource with a row filter expression and a column wildcard.

AWS Lake Formation DataCellsFilter with Row Filter and Specified Columns

This template creates a DataCellsFilter resource with a row filter and specified columns.

AWS Lake Formation DataLakeSettings Example

Configures settings for a data lake, including admins, access control, and trusted resource owners.

Amazon LakeFormation DataLakeSettings (AllowExternalDataFiltering Enabled)

Creates a DataLakeSettings resource in Amazon LakeFormation with AllowExternalDataFiltering set to true. This template sets up the necessary permissions and configurations for accessing and filtering external data in the data lake.

AWS Lake Formation Permissions on a database

This template creates an AWS Lake Formation Principal Permissions resource to grant permissions on a database.

AWS Lake Formation Permissions on a table

This template creates an AWS Lake Formation Principal Permissions resource to grant permissions on a table.

AWS Lake Formation Permissions on columns

This template creates an AWS Lake Formation Principal Permissions resource to grant permissions on columns of a table.

AWS Lake Formation Tag Association (Tag for a Database)

This template creates a tag association for a database in AWS Lake Formation. It applies a sample tag key and value to the specified database.

AWS Lake Formation Tag Association (Tag for a Table)

This template creates a tag association for a table in AWS Lake Formation. It applies a sample tag key and value to the specified table in the sample database.

AWS Lake Formation Tag Association (Tags for Columns)

This template creates a tag association in AWS Lake Formation, associating a specific tag with columns in a table. The tag association helps in organizing and managing resources in Lake Formation.
