A collection of configuration templates for Amazon Rekognition resources as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting Amazon Rekognition configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Amazon Rekognition Stream Processor with Face Recognition

This template creates a stream processor configured to recognize faces defined in a Rekognition Collection. It outputs the results to a Kinesis data stream.

Amazon Rekognition Stream Processor for ConnectedHome Labels

This template creates a stream processor that is configured to detect connected home labels. It outputs the results to an S3 bucket and sends notifications to an SNS topic.

Amazon Rekognition Stream Processor for ConnectedHome Labels with Regions of Interest

This template creates a stream processor that is configured to detect connected home labels. It outputs the results to an S3 bucket and sends notifications to an SNS topic. Specific regions of interest are defined using bounding boxes and polygons.

Amazon Rekognition Stream Processor for ConnectedHome Labels with Bounding Boxes

This template creates a stream processor that is configured to detect connected home labels. It outputs the results to an S3 bucket and sends notifications to an SNS topic. Specific regions of interest are defined using bounding boxes.

Amazon Rekognition Stream Processor for ConnectedHome Labels with Polygons

This template creates a stream processor that is configured to detect connected home labels. It outputs the results to an S3 bucket and sends notifications to an SNS topic. Specific regions of interest are defined using polygons.
