A collection of AWS Security controls using AWS Route53 Resolver Configuration including DNS Firewall and DNS Logging for VPCs.

Route53 Resolver
Amazon Route53 Resolver Firewall Rule Group

This template creates a DNS Firewall rule group with associated rules for ALLOW, ALERT, and BLOCK. The rule group is named 'SampleFirewallRuleGroup' and has tags for LineOfBusiness with a value of Engineering.

Amazon Route53 Resolver Endpoint

This template creates an Amazon Route 53 outbound resolver endpoint. The resolver endpoint is configured to have an outbound direction. It uses the specified subnets to automatically choose an IP address. The resolver endpoint is named 'MyOutboundEndpoint' and is associated with a security group. It also has a tag with the key 'LineOfBusiness' and the value 'Engineering'.

Amazon Route53 Resolver: Associate a Resolver rule with a VPC

This template associates a resolver rule with a VPC. The resolver rule is named 'MyResolverRuleAssociation' and is associated with the specified resolver rule ID and VPC ID.

Amazon Route53 Resolver Rule

This template creates an Amazon Route 53 outbound resolver rule with the specified properties. The resolver rule is associated with the domain name 'example.com' and has the name 'MyRule'. It is linked to the resolver endpoint with the ID 'rslvr-out-fdc049932dexample'. The rule type is set to 'FORWARD'. The resolver rule is tagged with the key 'LineOfBusiness' and the value 'Engineering'. The resolver rule has two target IPs, '' and '', both listening on port 53.
