A collection of configuration templates for AWS SNS as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS SNS configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.
This template creates an Amazon SNS topic with two Amazon SQS queue subscriptions. The topic is named 'SampleTopic' and the subscriptions are configured to use the 'sqs' protocol. The endpoints for the subscriptions are obtained using the 'Fn::GetAtt' function to retrieve the ARNs of the 'MyQueue1' and 'MyQueue' queues.
This template creates an AWS::SNS::Subscription resource with optional attributes. It creates subscriptions with filter policy, delivery policy, and raw message delivery enabled. The subscriptions are created for the specified endpoints to receive notifications from the specified SNS topic.
This template creates an AWS::SNS::Subscription resource with the specified endpoint, protocol, and topic ARN. The subscription is created for the specified endpoint to receive notifications from the specified SNS topic.
Creates an SNS topic and attaches a data protection policy to it.
Creates an SNS topic and attaches a custom IAM policy to it, allowing various SNS actions based on specific conditions.
This template creates an SNS topic and an SQS queue, and subscribes the queue to the topic using resource references.
This complex template sets up a cross-account and cross-region subscription from an SNS topic to an SQS queue, including IAM policies and roles for permissions.
A config rule that checks whether Amazon SNS topic is encrypted with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the Amazon SNS topic is not encrypted with AWS KMS. The rule is also NON_COMPLIANT when encrypted KMS key is not present in kmsKeyIds input parameter.
A Config rule that checks if Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) logging is enabled for the delivery status of notification messages sent to a topic for the endpoints. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the delivery status notification for messages is not enabled.