A collection of configuration templates for AWS Step Functions as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS Step Functions configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

Step Functions
State Machine Version for Latest Revision

This template publishes a version for the latest revision of a state machine. It uses the StateMachineRevisionId property to detect changes in the state machine and make a replacement update to the AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachineVersion resource.

State Machine Version

This template creates multiple versions of the same state machine and publishes a version using the latest revision of a state machine.

Step Functions State Machine with Multi-Line Definition

This template creates a Step Functions state machine using the Fn::Join intrinsic function. The state machine is named 'HelloWorld-StateMachine' and has a state machine type of 'STANDARD'. The definition of the state machine is specified using a JSON string, which includes a single 'Task' state named 'HelloWorld' that invokes a Lambda function. The state machine is associated with an IAM role and includes tags for categorization.

Step Functions Activity

This template creates a Step Functions activity with the name 'myActivity' and two tags: 'keyname1' with the value 'value1' and 'keyname2' with the value 'value2'.

Step Functions State Machine with Single-Line DefinitionString

This template creates a Step Functions state machine with a single-line property. The state machine is named 'HelloWorld-StateMachine' and has a state machine type of 'STANDARD'. The definition of the state machine is specified using a JSON string, which includes a single 'Task' state named 'HelloWorld' that invokes a Lambda function. The state machine is associated with an IAM role.

Step Functions State Machine with DefinitionSubstitutions

This template creates a Step Functions state machine with definition substitutions. The state machine is named 'HelloWorld-StateMachine' and has a state machine type of 'STANDARD'. The definition of the state machine is specified using an S3 location for a JSON file, which includes a single 'Task' state named 'HelloWorld' that invokes a Lambda function. The state machine is associated with an IAM role.

State Machine Alias that Shifts Traffic to a New Version

This template creates an alias named PROD that shifts 20 percent of traffic to the version B every five minutes. It also includes alarms to monitor the alias.

State Machine with Version and Alias

This template creates a state machine and uses the StateMachineRevisionId property to always point to the most recent revision of the state machine. It then creates an alias named PROD to deploy this new version. Alarms are included to monitor the alias.
