A collection of configuration templates for AWS ApiGateway as well as security controls for monitoring and protecting AWS ApiGateway configuration such as Config Rules, CloudWatch Alarms, EventBridge Rules, IAM policies, and more.

API Gateway
API Gateway Stage

This template creates a stage for the `TestDeployment` deployment. The stage specifies the stage name as `Prod` and the description as `Prod Stage`. It also references the `MyRestApi` API, `TestDeployment` deployment, `MyDocumentationVersion` documentation version, and `ClientCertificate` client certificate. The stage includes variables with the value `Prod` for the `Stack` variable. Additionally, it defines method settings for different resource paths and HTTP methods, enabling metrics and disabling data trace. The `/stack` resource path with the `POST` HTTP method has a throttling burst limit of `999`, while the `/stack` resource path with the `GET` HTTP method has a throttling burst limit of `555`.

API Gateway VPC Link to Load Balancer

This template creates an API Gateway VPC link for a REST API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). It creates an API Gateway VPC link with the specified description and name. The VPC link is associated with a load balancer and a subnet in the VPC.

API Key Association with Usage Plan

This template creates an `AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey` resource that associates a new API key with a usage plan (usageplan-1234567).

API Gateway Usage Plan

This template creates a usage plan for the Prod API stage, with a quota of 5000 requests per month and a rate limit of 100 requests per second. It includes the properties for the API stages, description, quota, throttle, and usage plan name.

Regional API Gateway Rest Api with OpenAPI Swagger Specification

This template imports an API Gateway RestApi resource with an endpoint type of REGIONAL. The RestApi resource is named 'RestApi' and includes a Swagger OpenAPI specification in the 'Body' property. The endpoint type is set to REGIONAL and the RestApi has a name of 'myApi'.

Basic Regional API Gateway

This template creates an API Gateway RestApi resource with an endpoint type. The template includes parameters for 'apiName' and 'type'. The RestApi resource is named 'MyRestApi' and the endpoint type is set to the value of the 'type' parameter.

Basic API Gateway Resource

This template creates a resource in an API. It creates a `stack` resource for the `MyApi` API. The `RestApiId` property is set to the `RestApi` reference. The `ParentId` property is set to the `RootResourceId` of the `RestApi` resource. The `PathPart` property is set to `stack`.

API Gateway Model

This template creates an `AWS::ApiGateway::Model` resource that defines the structure of a request or response payload for an API method. The model is created with the specified properties, such as the REST API ID, content type, description, name, and schema. The schema is defined using JSON Schema and specifies the structure of the payload.

API Gateway with Basic Request Validation

This template creates a REST API, method, and request validator, and associates the request validator with the method.

API Gateway with Lambda Proxy Integration

This template creates a proxy resource to enable clients to call a Lambda function with a single integration setup on a catch-all ANY method. It sets the `RestApiId` property to the `LambdaSimpleProxy` reference, the `ResourceId` property to the `ProxyResource` reference, the `HttpMethod` property to `ANY`, the `AuthorizationType` property to `NONE`, and the `Integration` property to `AWS_PROXY` with the `IntegrationHttpMethod` property set to `POST` and the `Uri` property set to the ARN of the `LambdaForSimpleProxy` function.

API Gateway Mock Method

This template creates a mock GET method for the `MyApi` API. It sets the `RestApiId` property to the `MyApi` reference, the `ResourceId` property to the `MyApi`'s root resource ID, the `HttpMethod` property to `GET`, the `AuthorizationType` property to `NONE`, and the `Integration` property to `MOCK`.

Configure Custom API Gateway Response (404 Error)

This template creates a gateway response for a 404 status code. It sets the response parameters for Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers, and associates it with a specific REST API.

API Gateway with Custom Domain

This template creates a custom domain name of `example.mydomain.com` for an API in API Gateway. It uses parameters to specify the domain name, base path, and REST API name. It also creates a certificate, a base path mapping, and a REST API resource.

API Gateway Documentation Part with Documentation Version

This template creates a documentation part for an API entity and associates it with a documentation version. It creates a `RestApi` resource with the specified name. Then it creates a `DocumentationPart` resource with the specified location, `RestApiId`, and `Properties`. Finally, it creates a `DocumentationVersion` resource with the specified description, documentation version, and `RestApiId`.

API Gateway Deployment Stage

This template creates an API Gateway deployment for the `my-rest-api` API. It deploys the API to a stage named `DummyStage`. The deployment is described as `My deployment`.

Example API Gateway Client Certificate

This template creates a client certificate that can be used with an API Gateway deployment and stage. The client certificate is created with a description of 'A test client certificate'.

API Gateway Custom Authorizer

This template creates a custom authorizer for AWS API Gateway. The authorizer is an AWS Lambda function that is activated for methods with authorization enabled. The template sets the properties for the authorizer, including the authorizer credentials, result TTL in seconds, authorizer URI, type, identity source, name, and REST API ID.

API Key for Rest API Gateway Stage

This template creates an API key and associates it with the Test stage of the TestAPIDeployment deployment. The API key is named TestApiKey and has a description of CloudFormation API Key V1. It is enabled and associated with the RestApi and Stage resources specified in the template.

IAM Role for API Gateway to CloudWatch Logs Configuration

This template creates an IAM role that API Gateway can assume to push logs to CloudWatch Logs. The example associates the role with the `AWS::ApiGateway::Account resource`.

Complete API Gateway Configuration with Method Settings

Configures a complete API Gateway setup including REST API, deployment, stage, and method settings for logging and metrics.

AWS API Gateway SDK for Android

This Terraform template retrieves an SDK for an AWS API Gateway stage configured for an Android application.

API Gateway Base Path Mapping with Custom Domain

This template connects a custom domain name to a deployed API Gateway, allowing API methods to be accessed via the custom domain.

OpenAPI Specification REST API Deployment

Deploys an API Gateway REST API configured via OpenAPI specification and sets up a stage for deployment.

Basic REST API Deployment with Mock Integration

Sets up a basic REST API with a mock integration and deploys it, including a stage setup.

API Gateway Documentation Part Example

This template creates an API Gateway Documentation Part for a specific method and path, along with an API Gateway REST API.

API Gateway Documentation Version Management

Manages an API Gateway Documentation Version along with its associated REST API and Documentation Part.

Edge Optimized API Gateway with ACM Certificate

Configures an edge-optimized API Gateway with an ACM certificate and sets up a corresponding DNS record using Route53.

Regional API Gateway with ACM Certificate

Configures a regional API Gateway with an ACM certificate and sets up a corresponding DNS record using Route53.

API Gateway Unauthorized Response Customization

This template customizes the response for unauthorized requests in an AWS API Gateway REST API.

API Gateway Integration with Mock Integration

Creates an API Gateway with a REST API, a resource, a GET method, and a MOCK integration that transforms XML requests to JSON.

API Gateway Integration Response Example

This template sets up an API Gateway with a MOCK integration and a method response, transforming JSON to XML.

AWS API Gateway Basic Setup

Creates a basic AWS API Gateway setup with a REST API, a resource, and a GET method.

Basic API Gateway Method Response Setup

Sets up a basic API Gateway with a GET method and a mock integration, along with a 200 OK method response.

API Gateway Method Response with Custom Header and Model

Configures an API Gateway with a GET method, mock integration, and a 200 OK method response that includes a custom header and a response model.

API Gateway with Model

Creates an API Gateway and a model within it using Terraform.

API Gateway Resource Creation

Creates an API Gateway REST API and a resource within it.

REST API with OpenAPI Specification

Creates a REST API using an OpenAPI specification with a regional endpoint configuration.

REST API with OpenAPI Specification and Private Endpoints

Configures a REST API using an OpenAPI specification with private endpoint configuration in a VPC.

Basic REST API with Resources, Methods, and Integrations

Sets up a basic REST API with specific resources, methods, and a mock integration.

Basic API Gateway REST API with Custom Policy

Creates a basic REST API in AWS API Gateway and attaches a custom IAM policy that allows invocation from a specific IP address.

API Gateway with Multiple Stages and Usage Plan

This template sets up an API Gateway with a REST API, deploys it to development and production stages, and configures a usage plan with quota and throttle settings.

API Gateway Usage Plan Key Setup

This template sets up an API Gateway with a usage plan and an API key, and associates them together.

API Gateway V2
HTTP API Gateway with Lambda Function

This template uses quick create to launch an HTTP API resource called HttpApi that's integrated with a Lambda function.

HTTP API Stage with Custom Domain Mapping

This template creates an `ApiMapping` resource called `MyApiMapping`. It maps a path of a custom domain name to a stage of an API. The `DomainName` property specifies the custom domain name, the `ApiId` property references the API to map, and the `Stage` property references the stage of the API.

WebSocket API Gateway Example

This template creates an API resource called MyApi with the following properties: Name: MyApi, ProtocolType: WEBSOCKET, RouteSelectionExpression: $request.body.action, ApiKeySelectionExpression: $request.header.x-api-key

WebSocket API Authorizer

Creates a WebSocket API authorizer using Amazon API Gateway Version 2 linked to a Lambda function.

HTTP API Authorizer with Payload Format

Sets up an HTTP API authorizer with payload format version 2.0, using Amazon API Gateway Version 2 connected to a Lambda function.

API Gateway V2 Deployment with Redeployment Triggers

Creates a deployment for an Amazon API Gateway Version 2 with redeployment triggers based on changes to the API's resources.

Private Integration with Load Balancer

Integrates API Gateway with a private network load balancer using HTTP_PROXY.

Basic API Gateway V2 Model

Creates a basic API Gateway Version 2 model with a JSON schema.

HTTP API with HTTP Proxy Integration

Sets up an HTTP API with HTTP Proxy integration to forward requests to a specified backend.

Config Rule
API Gateway Endpoint Type Check

A config rule that checks that Amazon API Gateway APIs are of type as specified (Allowed values are REGIONAL, PRIVATE and EDGE)

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway Execution Logging Enabled

A config rule that checks that methods in an Amazon API Gateway stage for deployed APIs have 'loggingLevel' as one of the values specified in the rule parameter 'loggingLevel'.

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway Not Edge Optimized

A config rule that checks that all APIs are private or regional, and not edge optimised.

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway Restricted to Private VPCs

A config rule that checks that all private APIs uses resource policy restricting to VPC endpoints or VPC in the same AWS account.

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway Restricted to Source IPs

A config rule that checks that non-private API GW have a resource based policy which limit their usage based on IP source

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway SSL Enabled

A Config rule that checks if a REST API stage uses an Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the REST API stage does not have an associated SSL certificate.

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway X-Ray Tracing Enabled

A Config rule that checks if X-Ray tracing is enabled on Amazon API Gateway REST APIs. The rule will return COMPLIANT if X-Ray tracing is enabled, NON_COMPLIANT otherwise.

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
API Gateway Cache Enabled and Encrypted Check

A config rule that checks that Amazon API Gateway APIs are of type as specified (Allowed values are REGIONAL, PRIVATE and EDGE)

CloudFormationTerraformAWS CLI
Check if API Gateway V2 stages have access logging enabled

Checks if Amazon API Gateway V2 stages have access logging enabled. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if 'accessLogSettings' is not present in Stage configuration.

Check API Gatewayv2 API routes authorization type

Checks if Amazon API Gatewayv2 API routes have an authorization type set. This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the authorization type is NONE.

Check if API Gateway is associated with WAF

Checks if an Amazon API Gateway API stage is using an AWS WAF web access control list (web ACL). The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if an AWS WAF Web ACL is not used or if a used AWS Web ACL does not match what is listed in the rule parameter.
